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Explore our full range of professional services & Training: 

We provide strategic business support,training and consultancy services for individuals and organizations. 

Our team of experts truly understands the unique intricacies of your situation.

Let us lighten your tax and accounting burden so you can spend your time and resources on the things that matter most to you—your families, hobbies and growing your business. 

We will work to identify new opportunities and create out-of-the-box solutions for you, and we will respond quickly to emerging needs and new business opportunities with tactical and cost-effective service. 

Our complete range of services coupled with a technologically-advanced online platform that provides 24-hour access to your financial information is designed to help you meet all your financial goals.   

Address : 17039 GPO, Mombasa 80100, Ivory Building,2nd Floor,Moi Avenue.

Phone/Whattsapp : (+254) 707-856-524

Email : info@editionlineassociate.com

Company, Inc.

Address: Ivory Building,2nd Floor,Moi Avenue (Uhuru Gardens)
Tel: (+254) 707-856-524